Zoning Ordinance

The zoning ordinance is part of the City's overall ordinance.  To view and search for ordinance information click here and either type key words into the search box at the top or review the index on the left side of the screen.

Please note that changes to the City's ordinance may take several weeks to post to the site.  You may view newly introduced, proposed modifications and newly adopted ordinances listed below or contact our zoning department to ensure you have the most current information.

Zoning Map

Click on the link below to view the City's zoning map.  The map is to scale and shows the boundaries of the various zoning districts with a key on the upper left of the map.


Planning Commission

The Boyne City Planning Commission is made up of nine members.  All members must reside within the City limits of Boyne City. 

Planning Commission meeting agendas/minutes/audios